I have really good wifi but keep losing connection only in mines

So I have really good wifi and the game works fine when am on my realm or my friends realm but when I go to a mine or a really big realm it says lost connection. Because of this I ak not able to grind anything. pls help


  • I don't believe that a realm's size can affect your internet connection. Though poor CPU or RAM performance can be connected with internet connection issues. "...RAM is also faster and more of it can be crammed into a single chip, meaning better performance for all the data that gets sent back and forth. It works the same way for routers and modems..."
    The above can be found here : https://www.ncconsumer.org/news-articles-eg/an-unstable-internet-connection-may-be-from-low-ram-or-a-slow-cpu-in-your-modem-or-router.html
    What I believe has happened, is that the game server disconnected, and so did everyone playing at the time of the incident. This usually last some seconds before you can reconnect and play again, unless there was a scheduled server shutdown,which aims at fixing bugs, server maintenance, updates etc. Then it can last from minutes to hours, depending on the update.
  • if you're on mobile, it's normal that you might lost connection (or even crash ;-;) when you enter big realms like community rentals
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