Throne of Horus Quest [Solved]

CoolGuyBossCoolGuyBoss Member
edited March 2020 in Bug Reports
So, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but on my alt, I am trying level it up and I have the password from the Ministry realm. And I've tried multiple times and I've gone back to make sure I'm correct. Even reconnecting. Whenever you try to put the password in, it never works. This may just be me, but I'm pretty sure it isn't.


  • edited March 2020
    I’ve seen this problem. At the moment I don’t know if there is anyway to fix it, that I know of. We just have to pray that Kewberth sees this thread.
  • GalaGala Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    Hmm, it should work, I completed that quest a few weeks ago without any issues.. Well, to make sure you do nothing wrong there here is a video about it.

    Good luck
  • Make sure you are spelling it right. I’ve seen it happen more then once.

  • I've tried it again with correct spelling. It seems to still not allow me in for some reason.
  • I've tried it again with correct spelling. It seems to still not allow me in for some reason.

    I just tried and it worked.

    You are doing enlightenment on the door in the first screenshot and salvation on the door in the second screenshot right?

    And is it only those password doors that aren’t working, or is it all password doors?
  • A mod can lock this now. @WhimsicalFirefly

    I was dumb and mixed up the first password. I thought enlightenment was the second one and salvation was the first one... my bad.
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