I got banned with no reason HELP

I was banned in cc for 2999 days
I don't want that
I still have dreams to be reached in cc
This was my favorite game but now this make my life miserable. PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I'm feeling depressed right now. Maybe i should continue it?


  • I just seeing you singing 'into the unknown' at lobby and now you get banned ?!!
    The only way to get help is to contact support and hopefully get it back soon , rip
  • I just seeing you singing 'into the unknown' at lobby and now you get banned ?!!
    The only way to get help is to contact support and hopefully get it back soon , rip

    Well, about the singing i was bored xD
    When i went to my room, i got banned. :/
    Anyways i have contacted already. Hope they wil fix it. My brother, my sister and my cousin got banned too.... so sad :c
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