Black Flag! [P1-HPS]

Helpful Pirate Society has a great Board Game called Blag Flag! Anyone can come n play it at any time! Ye set sail from Jolly Ol' England Searchin' for the Island o' El Dorado. Along the way, ye shall have many a wayward Adventure, indeed!

Ye roll the dice and sail to a colored square, or flag, which gives ye a further move, dependin' upon its color! Blue=Calm Seas, Stay Put! Green=Fair Winds, Sail 5 spaces ahead! Yellow=Battle Won, Sail 3 spaces ahead! Orange=Stormy Weather, Fall back 3 spaces! Red=Battle lost, Fall back 5 spaces! And a Black Flag??? Well now, that means a trip to Davy Jones' Locker, me hearty... And there be many a way to die on this journey! Ye must rest there for 2 turns unless ye roll a double! After 2 turns ye shall rise again from the deeps a new qbee and resume your journey!

There also be shortcuts, which save ye much time and trouble, and a few surprises, as well! So grab a few friends and head on down to the tropic isles o' Black Flag! Today!


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