search future in clans/Clan Warnings.

_*Alexander*__*Alexander*_ Member
edited December 2018 in Suggestions & Comments

Search Future in Clans

Some of you have clans, and you Certainly want to Rank up an member, and your clan is Large, or your lazy to Scroll down looking down for there Name... not Just to promote, maybe the player has done something wrong and you do not Want him in the Clan...I think it will be More Easier for you or any leader to search there name and get them out the clan.

The Clan Warnings

Know this command is for the clan leader only, Co-leader, let's say some one done somethink wrong That Disagreed the clan Officall Rules, or mainly if the leader finds that the member has Scammed/sweared, the clan would Punsh Him by an Clan Warning, maybe Make an Special rank for warned members, and the time and date will selected by the leader or Co-leader.

These are my two Suggestions for the Clan Update( if there is gona be An clan Update.)

My all my best Wishs and Greetings.



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