Snaily's Item Suggestions!!! Celebration Hat! Updated On April 7 2018

CosmicSnailCosmicSnail Member
edited April 2018 in Suggestions & Comments
Ok so here are my suggestions

Music Pack

it's a guitar on your back! Neato! Where? Music Pack

look at you you got stuck in a trombone! Silly Goose! Where? Music Pack

awww your a drummer man! Where? Music Pack

Rock Star Wig (blue or pink or black)
now your ready to rock hard . You just need the outfit for the whole look. Where? Music Pack

your holding a triangle. Create a soft din every time you move where? Music Pack

Great your stuck again but your heads the only thing poking out. You jump every time you move. Similar to the Bunny PJ's Where? Music Pack

Rockstar Outfit (blue, pink or black)
looking good no get the wig. And make some music! Where? Music Pack

Celebration Pack

As we all know CC is growing old and we need to comemerate it with a new pack!

Bunch O Ballon
Look at you you have a bunch of balloons together! Gives a floaty look! Where? Celebration Pack!


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