More modern day hairstyles.

I think we need more wig styles... the ones we have now are ok. But they’re all things you would see people wear back in the 1700’s period. We need styles like braids, piggy tails, blond, curled, straightened, hair styles you’d see in the modern day world, maybe some foreign hairstyles too. I recently made some alts named after character in a japanese anime I’ve been watching and wanted to dress them up like the characters in the anime. Unfortunately there is no current wigs/hairs in cc that resemble them... which is disappointing. I’d like to see more colors too. Maybe a darker brown color perhaps. Outfits specifically are something we could use more feminine versions of. There aren’t that many clothing ranges in cc... just regular shirts and holiday clothing. We need modern day wigs... the powdered, magisterial, grand dame, and the other wigs just aren’t really the type you’d see people wearing nowadays... please consider adding more modern hairstyles...


  • like Killmonger from Black Panther?
    buzz cut white marshmallow guy
  • I love the current wigs for certain things (typically pirate themed with my eyepatch), but have to agree and would love some spiked hairstyles, some bobs, some modern curls, some layered hairstyles...even a mullet or mohawk would be fun to sport. Also would like to see more hair with most of the hats as many look so blah just sitting on a bald qubee head. (Loved the Mrs. Santa Hat because it had hair.)
  • #ShadesAndGreenMohawk
  • yeah +1
  • yeah modern wigs will look cool..
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