New Thread Started - To report scammers so other cc players can be warned...

=CubicGaming= pick a block game. MULTIPLE WITNESSES..... I paid 200c, was told to wait til he had four contestants. When he had 4 ppl he pulled the blocks. My block had black angels under it.
Before he handed it to me he BAN ME!!!
I reported. And i dont understand why mods do go and watch these games when ppl say they were banned before prize given. One of two things will happen. The mod will bear witness to scamming occuring at the moment its reported. Or scammer in fear of mod will actually give people the prizes they earned.
Its not like when someone cusses n runs. The opportunity to catch the player is there!!!!!!
But i digress
DO NOT PLAY PICK A BLOCK HOSTED BY --------> =CubicGaming=


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