Suggestion thread

edited May 2017 in Suggestions & Comments
Name update
When you make a name, such as KingHippoHello, you instantly own all versions of it.
Such as this:
and so on. Making a name with different capitals and lowercase will just bring up the account already exists error message.

Owner Visibility
You should be able to see the owners name, and the owner of the realm/room once you enter. If they use a hidey block, you should still be able to see the owners name when you enter the world with the normal entering dialogue. And/or you can add the command /who + /owner
/who- lists the names of everyone in the realm, and highlights the owners name in green, people who have access are marked in orange. (and could highlight mods and admins in their respective colors if they choose to)
/owner- pulls up the name of the owner and anyone who has access.
Changing this up a little bit
Maybe a font change for the I could be in order? Like, just the I.

We need to have world music. There should be a separate interface where you can put in various notes to make different songs. To unlock the interface, you would have to pay for it though, maybe like 5k+.

Clan Sentry:
A sentry which only clan members can go in
World of the day/week/month:
A featured world that developers choose, and whenever you enter a world, you can see it in the chat bubble thing where the official message is.


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