Feebi's Suggestions 101 (UPDATED: 19/5)

ValleyValley Member
edited May 2017 in Suggestions & Comments
For builders who want more of a variety of colour this would work for you!
Different shades of dye! It's not just blue anymore, it's dark blue, fluorescent blue etc.
This works with all colours (possibly add grey and brown dye too)

Some people have suggested this in the past but I'm going to revive it.
Vines would add a nice touch to tree houses / old buildings / jungles etc.
You would be able to climb then.

Unicorn Pets and Tails
One of my older suggestions! Unicorn pets and tails!
We already have a unicorn horn so it doesn't make much sense too not have the tail. (Added to animal sets)
And an additional unicorn pet which can be found in the cubit store. A cute little white unicorn that follows you around.
Perhaps even add a unicorn pack, like the cat lady one, where you can receive a unicorn horn, tail and pet.
Just some ideas for you to ponder over

Lights and Light Switches
How it works:
There will be a new Fadey foam which you foam the roof with in order to be able to make that particular room dark or light, place a light switch in the same room in order to change the lighting (on and off buttons similar to prize machine buttons, eg. lights are on so the button says off)
Pack that comes with Fadey foam and light switch
Only owner or people with perms can change lighting

More suggestions will be added when the times comes


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