Sir.Pixel getting Scamed

As many as y’all know Grus stole everything from GSP prices and Metallic Market was scamed as well. Over 4 million cubics. Now some of y’all may not like him but nobody should get scamed that. I would cry and I’m 19. I was wondering if y’all Would like to come together As a Community and try to give want y’all want to Sir.Pixel. If wanna donate to help, DOESNT MATTER WHAT IT IS, if I 1k or 10k or less. If it’s a rare or not. MANEQUINS as well. That’s what the event I’m making is about the Community Coming Together. Plz write down in the comments if y’all want help donate to Pixel. WRITE DOWN WHAT IN COMMENTS PLZ. If y’all do @Sir.Pixel can you make a place where peps can donate? I’m sure some people May Donate to you. For the sad cause.


  • ew disgusting. No matter how deep the wound is, you get up and heal. move on
  • Meeee ^.^ I Will donate one Manequin , and We Hope Gsp Prices will Restore and Sir.Pixel Is Fine now ^.^ and for you grus if u read this ^.^ I Think You need some Love and Hope by The Others ^.^ you do the a such a thing grus...your enemy is the whole Community ^,^
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    You should leak Grus’ new name Pixel.
  • U said:

    You should leak Grus’ new name Pixel.

    yEs please. He will not be doing this to others.
  • lucaaa795lucaaa795 Potatoe's worldMember
    He'll get the items back from support within 96h though
  • Grus used a nametag...
    I met the new Grus.
    Also for the (probably 6th time)
    This IS NOT a scam.
    This was T H E F T
    S T E A L I N G
  • Lucaaa support doesn’t give back items but they do ban
  • SayWhat said:

    Lucaaa support doesn’t give back items but they do ban

    They give back items on occasion.
    This is one of those most likely.
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator

    SayWhat said:

    Lucaaa support doesn’t give back items but they do ban

    They give back items on occasion.
    This is one of those most likely.
    That is if the items haven’t been sold yet and are easy to return.
  • lucaaa795lucaaa795 Potatoe's worldMember
    edited December 2018
    SayWhat said:

    Lucaaa support doesn’t give back items but they do ban

    They give items back if such a massive loss happens. Anything over 1-1.5m and they will try to recover the loss.
    However, they do NOT create items out of thin air. They get on scammer's account and try to find stuff to return to the scammed guy
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Sp0_0ky said:

    I overly hate Pixel for being like this: "i have 5 million cubits get more than that and i will talk to you, noob!"

    Now i am richer than Pixel

    i hate pixel!! Yay!!!

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • lucaaa795 said:

    SayWhat said:

    Lucaaa support doesn’t give back items but they do ban

    They give items back if such a massive loss happens. Anything over 1-1.5m and they will try to recover the loss.
    However, they do NOT create items out of thin air. They get on scammer's account and try to find stuff to return to the scammed guy
    Actually.... They do spawn items in, depending on what happened.
  • Sir. PixelSir. Pixel EnglandMember
    Sp0_0ky said:

    Sp0_0ky said:

    I overly hate Pixel for being like this: "i have 5 million cubits get more than that and i will talk to you, noob!"

    Now i am richer than Pixel

    i hate pixel!! Yay!!!

    You didnt get it? Whenever i talked to pix he didnt anwser to me because i was a "noob"
    It’s because you’re annoying but Ye apart from that.

    I’ve had a response from support and they are giving it 3 days to see if there are any claims from the other party. They have found the items though so no worries :3
  • First off that sucks sorry to hear that you got scammed.

    Second imo gsp wasn't that good just because prices change so much but it was a good collection.

    Third will gsp change to just sp?

    Fourth hope you get your stuff back and good luck trusting people again.

    Fifth maybe you shouldn't announce that they found the items because if he wants to be a total loser he could dispose of the items and idk if they spawn in items or not that beyond me.
  • edited December 2018

    Sp0_0ky said:

    Sp0_0ky said:

    I overly hate Pixel for being like this: "i have 5 million cubits get more than that and i will talk to you, noob!"

    Now i am richer than Pixel

    i hate pixel!! Yay!!!

    You didnt get it? Whenever i talked to pix he didnt anwser to me because i was a "noob"
    It’s because you’re annoying but Ye apart from that.

    I’ve had a response from support and they are giving it 3 days to see if there are any claims from the other party. They have found the items though so no worries :3
    Pix, I hope u get better, I loved GSP, I will donate (idk wut, possibly a few thousand cubits or a few backpacks after I sell my sled and roo) , I have made a post similar to this, idk this existed tho, I truly support this cause! Gl pix!Also that’s great, if u need any help on building the base for GSP r something, anything including buying materials, I would love to help, it’s great that cc support found the items :3
  • lucaaa795lucaaa795 Potatoe's worldMember

    lucaaa795 said:

    SayWhat said:

    Lucaaa support doesn’t give back items but they do ban

    They give items back if such a massive loss happens. Anything over 1-1.5m and they will try to recover the loss.
    However, they do NOT create items out of thin air. They get on scammer's account and try to find stuff to return to the scammed guy
    Actually.... They do spawn items in, depending on what happened.
    They do not spawn items if you have been scammed. They do not want to inflate the market. They do spawn items if bugs occur but thats a whole different story.
    They'll never spawn items in such cases
  • lucaaa795 said:

    lucaaa795 said:

    SayWhat said:

    Lucaaa support doesn’t give back items but they do ban

    They give items back if such a massive loss happens. Anything over 1-1.5m and they will try to recover the loss.
    However, they do NOT create items out of thin air. They get on scammer's account and try to find stuff to return to the scammed guy
    Actually.... They do spawn items in, depending on what happened.
    They do not spawn items if you have been scammed. They do not want to inflate the market. They do spawn items if bugs occur but thats a whole different story.
    They'll never spawn items in such cases
    "D E P E N D I N G" on what happened.
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    edited December 2018

    lucaaa795 said:

    lucaaa795 said:

    SayWhat said:

    Lucaaa support doesn’t give back items but they do ban

    They give items back if such a massive loss happens. Anything over 1-1.5m and they will try to recover the loss.
    However, they do NOT create items out of thin air. They get on scammer's account and try to find stuff to return to the scammed guy
    Actually.... They do spawn items in, depending on what happened.
    They do not spawn items if you have been scammed. They do not want to inflate the market. They do spawn items if bugs occur but thats a whole different story.
    They'll never spawn items in such cases
    "D E P E N D I N G" on what happened.
    I’m pretty sure everybody is talking about scammers in this thread not everything that could happen to have items spawned in.
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