Game Crashing when you press "Search Realm" - FIX

Lucas The SpiderLucas The Spider U.K, England Member
Cosmicmabz (Cosmic Cow Games LLC)

Feb 17, 2021, 14:28 GMT+8

Hi *****,

Can you try to go in to the Steam folder.

{Drive}:\{SteamFolder}\steamapps\common\Cubic Castles

Delete the entire folder

If it still an issue...

Try to follow these steps:

- click Windows Start
- type in "%AppData%" (without the quotation mark) on the search box
- delete the Cubic folder

Let us know if it works out for you.

This is a direct Quote from Mabz. If you're crashing when you go to search a Realm, this is the fix. It's 100% a steam issue.


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