Fishmas Wearables?

In this event, is there any type of wearable involved? If not, could we maybe have Christmas rares in the water. Personally, I wouldn't care to fish that much if nothing I get out of it I can wear, and I'm sure other people feel the same way.


  • In this event, is there any type of wearable involved? If not, could we maybe have Christmas rares in the water. Personally, I wouldn't care to fish that much if nothing I get out of it I can wear, and I'm sure other people feel the same way.

    Kinda agreed, +1. Should add smth else to the ocean for us to catch other than just fishes. Basic christmas clothes would be great too, it's better than nothing, maybe add both common and super rare for us to catch, welp.. Decision goes to Kewb
  • +1 If there isn't any in the water rn, Sir K probably wont add it in the middle of the event, but anything is possible
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