Bring Back Raffles!

edited December 2021 in Suggestions & Comments
Raffles were a great incentive for players to log in daily. Noobs are already getting rares through fishing. Why not add raffles back as another way for noobs to get rares! Although raffles had many issues, I do have an idea for a solution to all the past problems.

People Scamming The Winners.
People often ripped off clueless noobs by offering way lower than the actual item's value, and a possible solution could be a menu that pops up telling them after they won, "You have won a Super Rare item!!! Make sure to find out its value, or you might not get a fair deal for it."

Alternate Accounts
Alternate accounts constitute a significant amount of the abuse of the daily token gift. Tokens should be rewarded based on IP address, and if there are multiple family members, etc., in the same IP, then there could be a limit of 5 accounts per IP getting a daily token. Also, when giving out prizes, moderators/administrators could check if the account seems to be an alternate and give the abuser a warning or ban depending on how severe.

Mass Entry
Many rich players were able to buy lots of raffle tokens (100-1000+), easily getting them a high chance of winning. A possible solution could be limiting the max amount of entries to 50 entries per IP address, per monthly raffle.


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