Claim Your Gift // Community Server Secret Santa!

UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
edited December 2021 in Player Events & Creations


To participate in this event, you must join the Cubic Castles Community Discord Server.

Link to the discord server:
How do I join?
  • Send a message in #secret-santa-plot-requests with your Cubic Castles username. A discord moderator or admin will message you to give you a plot in the Community Server Secret Santa realm.
How does it work?
  • After you have been given a plot, you will have to wait to find out who you are giving a gift to. We will send you a message on discord with a player's name as soon as we can. It will depend on how fast people claim plots.
  • Your job is to leave a gift on your plot for that player to receive. Your gift must be worth more than 500c to make it fair! I suggest not making your gift worth exactly 500c, because prices can vary.
  • We will also randomly give your username to another player. They will leave a gift for you on their own plot, and at the end of the event you will receive that gift!
  • This is Secret Santa! Try to keep your plot anonymous to help keep gifts anonymous.
  • Your gift is required by December 23rd at 12:00:00 cubic time. If you don't have a gift, or if your gift is worth less than 500c, we will give the gift you were supposed to receive to the person you didn't leave a gift for! You cannot receive without giving. You are also guaranteed to receive a gift because of this rule, as long as your own gift fits the requirements.
  • You will be able to claim the gift you received on December 25th.


  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    We have closed plot requests.

    Remember: Your gift is due by the 23rd at 12:00:00 cc time!!

    Thank you to the 122 players who joined the event! :)
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator

    The gift you received is now on the plot you left your gift on. Merry Christmas!!!
This discussion has been closed.