Functional Shop Displays

There are way to many useless items in cc that can only be used to be decorations, Shop displays is one of them. These should be used in better ways than just decos...
Some uses possible:
have a item inv like trash cans and toilets, but it can only be accessed by the owner and has 1 spot only, the owner can set the price of the item when he/she presses the Display! button down below. It can be set anywhere between 1-1m. You Can also add a note, if you type nothing, it will not show when other players come near. The item will then be displayed inside the shop display, the item can then not be taken out and can only get out when you break the shop display. when other players go near, it will display something like:
(Item Name) For Sale!
Price: (Price)c
Note: (Note)
This would be displayed like a sign would display

Decos should be more than decos!


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