Fast Travel

in old overworld we can fast travel using the map icon.. can we have that again the fast travel update again.. or you can just create a futuristic map item that we can equip can see in the wand slot.. after equipping it we can see our cc character holding the map.. (by pressing ctrl while equipping the map activates the fast travel only available on overworld not in realms/rooms)


  • I do think we need a way to travel faster, but please no! Don't make it cost money! We could us it for free before, why shouldn't we now?
  • Some peoples overworlds like slims have so many realms in it. So i think we should have something sorta like the old overworld that when we click esc it has the map to select and travel to
  • Some peoples overworlds like slims have so many realms in it. So i think we should have something sorta like the old overworld that when we click esc it has the map to select and travel to

    +1 , ^
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