18 years ago

18 years ago a piece of light was born.
14 years ago this piece almost died.
12 years ago its challenges began, other pieces of light or darkness isolates him, friendships were scarce.
7 years ago it thought things would get easier... they didn't, they got worse, pieces of corrupted light and darkness were trying to corrupt or kill it, no friendships at all...
5 years ago it found a way to socialize with others, a game called cubic castles and its forums, in the start that light was kinda loud on the forums, but as time passed, it learned how to fit in the forums, cubic castles and the forums helped him with the isolation.
4 years ago the light, now with almost no hope, successfully escaped its location to another, there, he found fellow light pieces who he could talk to, its mind however was still traumatized, it had thoughts it never had before... such as turning his light off and ceasing of exist... these thoughts would later vanish as it noticed how important it was to its family, what would his younger brother and sister be without him, and the parents, how would they feel about this? They would think they were incopentent, that they couldn't save their son this time...
2 years ago the light was sabotaged, however, before it happened it had enough time to mature itself from the suicidal thoughts, so after the drama, he laughed at whoever sabotaged it, and remembered about its brother, sister, mom and dad...
1 year ago out of sudden, in the middle of the year, it changed locations again... it had to fight new troubles such as different types of lights, it, however, finally found true friendship there.
6 months ago its initial quest would be completed, now it needed to choose its path...
Today that piece of light is writing a text of his quest until now

Thank you for the support forums!
I am 18 years old now! It was tough, but i am standing..
Happy birthday to me :)


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