Wiki Suggestions - Comments and Ideas

edited May 2020 in Community

Since becoming a chief editor of the official wiki, I've been doing everything I can: updating, improving...
Obviously some don't have the time or experience to make any changes to the wiki as I - and the other editors/chief editors - can.

The application thread is more for, well, applications. There wasn't a thread where people can suggest their ideas or tell me and the other editors what they want to see happen with certain pages. I'm always active every day improving the wiki so I will be able, if I feel like it's fit, to add your suggestion. It's not as big as the forums but the wiki is somewhere you can go to find information about the game and sometimes, obviously, the information outdates. This is why there are editors and chief editors but for people who don't fit the requirements for those particular roles, they might want to suggest something.

Wiki Suggestions
  • Clearly, wiki related please.
  • Nothing silly or stupid.
  • Any ideas are appreciated and considered.

I'm improving them day in and day out, I will also be checking this thread to see if anyone has anything they would like to suggest.

Thank you - minister9.


  • I want to bump this - for anyone who didn't see it before.
  • Ye idk what to add i the wiki since what i want to add is already there :(
  • Ye idk what to add i the wiki since what i want to add is already there :(

    This is why I made this thread for you, me and all the other wiki editors.
    We'll be able to get ideas from others which will help the wiki best the best it can.
  • Being an editor for about... 7 months now? I just look around and see any incomplete things and just finish them.
  • since it hasn't been a month yet i can message here, right?
    lmao we need suggestions
  • WhimsicalFireflyWhimsicalFirefly Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    There is a lot of outdated information on the wiki. I was only on it for a few minutes and saw a lot of information that has changed, no longer applies or is just outdated (like it says something as being recent when it happened years ago).
  • There is a lot of outdated information on the wiki. I was only on it for a few minutes and saw a lot of information that has changed, no longer applies or is just outdated (like it says something as being recent when it happened years ago).

    You can give me a list of things you've seen and I'll give some time changing it up.

    since it hasn't been a month yet i can message here, right?
    lmao we need suggestions

    Any suggestions are fine.
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