how to get cubes not cubits what is the fastest block that i can mine and it gets me cubes faster

how to get cubes not cubits what is the fastest block that i can mine and it gets me cubes faster or all the same?


  • All cubes are the same, I'd say just go to a mine and mine regular blocks, they are the easiest to mine.
    alternatively you could build a farm.
  • i dont mean the cubes that i get i mean the block the gets cubes faster not cubits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cubes like red green blue purple
  • Oh u mean the dehydrated cubes? suggest you to mine trunks, its easier to get dehydrated cubes that way
  • i say dead trees because they are tall you break 5 blocks in one click so you can get them faster and cube chance is random but you usually get them from mining 350 blocks to 2000 blocks
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