Guess that YouTube character!


This is how u play:

One person will give a riddle and someone else will have to guess what youtuber/YouTube character they are.
I am a girl, my hair is pink, I have a boyfriend who likes Shrek.
What Youtube character/channel am I?
Qbee2: LDshadowlady!
Qbee3: My turn!

I'll start!

I do CC gaming, I'm very popular.
Many people copy the first part of my name.
I love giving away to newbies
What Youtube Character/channel am I?


  • elemental godelemental god The netherlandsMember
    Redeagle (forgot his whole name xD)

    I do mostly minecraft but sometimes other things too
    I have a second personaluty i use before my videos
    I have now a lets play series with 2 other people and the server owner

    What youtuber am i?
  • =MGN=RedEagle
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