Bouncy Ball

A bouncy ball would be a great thing for the game!

It can have different modes to it -
Mode 1 - Rolling Mode (Soccer)
Mode 2 - Bouncing Mode (Basketball)
Mode 3 - Throwing Mode (Dodge ball)

It would be a great thing to have in the game because people can host games, have the idea to build stadiums, and a whole lot more.

Now that is a simple item that can create many new things in the game!


  • Erm... they will have to script blocks for it to functionn
  • I think this would be alot of fun if they were willing to put in the work. But with the community CC has (no offense here) I can see ppl coming to every holla bouncing balls around and making it impossible to buy/sell/build around all the ball throwing. And you know lots would do it just for the purpose of disrupting folks.... Maybe if they put restrictions on it or something. But i cant see them doing all this work....
  • Great idea<3 this will make more fun and instead being bored and raged in parkour, why not play football in cc.
  • I like it.
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