New Textures Idea

edited July 2016 in Suggestions & Comments
Just a few texture ideas that I found. (I do not own these textures they are to provide an example of my idea only.) Please comment and let me know what you think :D

mushroom texture

(craft-able) (Non-functional)
Craft using mushrooms, pastel blocks, and a workbench you can create a mushroom top textured block as decor.

dry desert floor

(mine-able) (Non-functional)
Found in desert realms; this block adds another level of realism to the game and a new fun texture to play with :3 This texture does not work like cracked blocks.

grass and stone

(craft-able) (Non-functional)
Craft using stone, dirt, grass and a workbench.

spooky wood

(craft-able) (Non-functional)
Craft using ghost gum, dead tree trunks, a saw and the workbench. These wood floors would make a creepy squeaking sound when stepped on.

purple crystal vein

(mine-able) (functional)
Mining for purple crystals is sometimes a pain and you never seem to find enough. This mine-able block would only be found in caves by or under purple crystals. These blocks; when mined, would drop small purple crystal fragments that you can use to craft the regular sized purple crystals. (purple crystals to be craft-able in a forge)


(craft-able) (Non-functional)
We have checkered blocks, stripped blocks, marble, etc....but why not plaid. Using pastel blocks, dye, possibly checkered blocks as well we should be able to craft plaid blocks for further decoration options in realms.

Another Idea I don't have a picture for would be blocks (either glass or plaster) that have a glowing property to them, much like the purple crystals in the game.


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