if you want report

hi guys in the cubic castles to send a report is hard some times.In the game is not let you to report one player lot of much times so you can told it in one mod or admin or to say the scammer in one discussion


  • dont told me all know it some people dont know what must do
  • Swissy DreamerSwissy Dreamer Playing with Asriel,Frisk,And CharaMember
    You know, you can just send report in this discussion http://forums2.cubiccastles.com/index.php?p=/discussion/18/scam-reports#latest

    Just dont report immature things such as swearing and .... That

    Also, mods will look after your report and investigate.

    P.s : fix ur english >.<
  • CortanaCortana UnknownMember, Retired Moderator
    Please don't spam threads on the topics everyone is already aware of. I assume you're doing it just to earn karma; it's forbidden. We have specific threads for everything, things you post don't provide any new information. As stated above, report scams in scam related thread. And @Swissy Dreamer, no need to be rude by pointing out someone's language, not everyone lives in English speaking countries. Locking this up. Already gone too far.
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