
Who can:
Place nuke in this realm?
Holla in this realm?
Move doors in this realm?
Bomb this realm?
Rename this realm?
Change the stamp of this realm?


  • Won't that make the realm setup really complicated though? Some of those are kinda unnessessary. That's just my opinion though :p I like it the setup the way it is, quick and simple to use.
  • But some players like me are having trouble with these. I wanted to make a pvp arena that includes bombs but must not have permissions. The "bomb permission" is useful this way. And the "rename this realm permission"? I had a 99x99 realm once, when a troller change its name to "This realm sucks". I thought he was trustavle untill then >.<. The nuke one? Im not a troller, but I have a room from a quitted friend. It was 50x50 tropical. Great, I will now spend 20 years clearing it xD.
    The holla one? I just get unnecessary hollas in my realms when I just want to be undisturbed
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