im... back?

hey, Deemz/Dimas here, and after like, an 6 month hiatus, im gonna be attending a p1 party,
some updates here:
-im not planning to be active in cc, just in some occasions on where i could be playing
-no, im no longer affiliated with cc coffee lounge,
-yes, im still in p1, you can ping me there,
-yes, my realms are still The City Of Dustynia, Lava Run!, and The Tale Of The 3 Qbees, ]

so, i'll be happily saying hello to you magnificent people down in the comment sections



  • lucaaa795lucaaa795 Potatoe's worldMember
    So your first big thing to do after a 6 months hiatus is joining some infamous party... nice
  • I deemz you worthy of P1 *Play Laughing Soundtrack*
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