I want to see some great builds. Help me out...what should I see?

WhimsicalFireflyWhimsicalFirefly Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
I've been playing this game for almost 4 years now and just recently discovered a few really amazing creations made by some really creative builders and artists. It made me think that there are probably many more out there that would be fun to see. I'm in awe of the things that people can do with a bunch of square blocks, some creativity and a lot of artistic talent. So if you have a great build you would like to show off or know of something created by someone else that I might enjoy seeing, drop a warp food on my donation table at Firefly's Market. If you don't have warp food tell me the exact name of the realm so I can search for it in the lobby. I'm looking forward to seeing some amazing things, so tell me....where should I go?


  • space_fetusspace_fetus Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    Take a look at the grand cubic highway which is a realm of mine. It has a collection of some great realms of other peoples.
  • LD's Dam, its not mine but i like it
    edited November 2018
    Visit Kitty Empire-Legacy there left Pride of our ancestors(amazing realm collection) .Its function just like grand cubic highway but built sacred creation and story
  • ;)))
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