Back in my day...

ffdsfdsfdsfdsffdsfdsfdsfds Member
edited October 2018 in Community
... I had a better name than the actual one.
Maybe we can change it to something better.


  • No -1
  • MyNameIsPerfectAsItISNow sounds fine ;)
  • Noo ffdsfdsfdsfds is the best name in the world I would pay all my cubits for it lol
    You can't change it! :(
  • maybe you could buy a nametag like anyone else would and change your name...
  • maybe you could buy a nametag like anyone else would and change your name...

    or keep the name. ffdsfdsfdsfds seems like a pretty unique name to me.
    like the AmmuNation guy used to say back in San Andreas: Take it, hold (on to) it, love it.
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