New Cool Game coming soon...

This is the new game I'm working on right now... it's cool! It's history-themed. Its all about you trying to solve a mystery...
Where are the gold piles?
Who are the explorers?
Who made this game?
How to get there:

Go to U.S.A Park
Follow the stone path
(don't go in the realm the path is leading into)
Go into a portal with a sign "Farm for the Farm Update!"
Follow the dirt slabs
Go in the realm the slabs are leading to

Hope its interesting, any suggestions and comments can be posted down below in comments. (expect wierd things)


  • I'll check it out :)
  • I went here yesterday. Neat place. It was kind of hard to find though, because I couldn't find the dirt slabs. Just go the left of the tree.
  • I went here yesterday. Neat place. It was kind of hard to find though, because I couldn't find the dirt slabs. Just go the left of the tree.

    Yeah, thanks.

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