Galaxy Industries

Hello world! Welcome to the build factory called Galaxy Industries! Want a tour? I'll take you around.

So even though we have had people in the group not want us to spill the beans, I'm sure people will help out if they know what they are helping with. So obviously we need each other for builds, as no one can build AND stay rich. So we are poor is the point. Our builds are the following, with everything we need for each:

Egyptian Temple - An Adventure Map With An Egyptian Theme!
Pressure Plates
Camping Decos
Foliage (Grass And Such)

Atlantis - A Decorative Realm For Hanging Out In! Great Place To Have Fun!
White Marble (Any Kind, Chiseled Or Not)

Galaxy Amusements - An Amusement Park! Have Tons Of Fun On Different Rides And Win Prizes!
Pixels (Any Colour)

Pirate Ship Arena - Wishing More More PvP? It's Here! Jump From Ship To Ship, And Dodge Cannons At The Same Time!
Old Wood
New Wood

That's all for now! Please donate to Land Of Mysteries to help out our builds!


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