Setting up vendings.

Sooooooo, as you all know setting up vendings when you have to put alot of items that can stack is very very annoying and it
takes quite some time especially if you have alot of sed items, like for example large amounts of ores and stuff, and placing
those flowers so they dont stack.. tbh that makes no sense, so I was like jeeeez how could this be easier and faster and
came to the idea of making it so you can set up how much items you wanna sell and the price ofcourse, like you would put
lets say 3000 iron in glass on a vend like you normally do but insted of how you normally do, splitting it into alot of stacks of 100 iron for example, you would just set the amount of the items you want the vend to sell for the price you will put.


Item amount: 100
Price: 10 Cubits

Welp, das my idea. :D


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