Add handphone button (Not block , wearable)

Alv'Alv' Member
edited August 2018 in Suggestions & Comments
When u click
Type in your friend name at the handphone (search) , then u can send private message
Ik it almost like whisper but , U can also use this even realm muted , and even he/she offline u can write and send it , ur friend will receive the message and reply to u


1.Like when u want to tp someone BUT he/she forgot unlock the realm , so u just wait for them to tp u back and u tell them XD

2.If realm muted (maybe doing scam or owner dont want noise)u can use it for chatting even muted


1. Password Game (Like giveaway that need search pass from yt) , u can share password...

2. Only can chat with friend !

Note : When u using phone, u will holding the phone and checking message , so peoplr can know u checking phone / PM with friend


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