Good vs Evil

I believe there are more good, decent players in Cubic Castles than there are bad ones. So why is scamming so prevalent? I believe it is because punishments are too lenient. Warnings have a shelf life, then they vanish and the baddies know it, and do not even care if they get a 2nd or 9th warning as is the case with some. I do believe in 2nd chances but 9 is a bit much.

Many of these scammers are young and still learning but by no means are they stupid or unaware of what wrongs they are doing. They do it because they are allowed to do it, repeatedly.

A better way of regaining control for the sake of all that is good in CC is to make all warnings permanent and to lessen them. Then lessen the number of punishments a player gets before they are perma banned, when a proven scam has taken place.

Cubic Castles must have a reason to have so many warning and it might well be a legal one. I hope that is not just economics, or the inability to track them if they change their name that allows the bad to keep playing.

One bad apple does spoil the whole bushel because for every bad player there are so many that are hurt. I am good with sacrificing the few, to save the many, Are you? If scammers are allowed to get away with doing wrong to innocent players, it is like a slap in the face by the scammer only to get slapped by CC for not banning the scammer.

These are my opinions on the subject and in lew of a poll, just comment your thoughts on it.


  • some might use VPN too, and keep avoiding punishment...
  • Well first of all, bushels are for berries, but I get the point. I agree with this. After seeing Cas-Xt again, it ruined my soul. The scammers are gonna keep scamming, and we aren't doing anything about it.

  • LateCom said:

    ahem ahem awais.7 ahem ahem
    anyways, yes punishments should be made harsher.

    Yeah why awais.7,go.xd his all accounts are not banned yet ;/
  • Huehue
  • more one topic that no gonna change anything in best cc system ( no sarcasm ) ,
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