Public Clan Recruitment Realm

Kim NamoKim Namo Member
edited July 2018 in Player Events & Creations

I've been working on a new realm for the past few days. You will be able to rent here with my approval and recruit potential new members for your clan.

How It Works:

Comment down below your clan name and IGN if you're interested. You will have to accept my friend request and come to me when you see me online and I'll hook you up. :)
I will direct you to a realm with rents. You will get a rent on a 5x5 space. What to do with the rent? You will set up a stand that represents your clan. Leave your clan name somewhere on the stand and describe what activities are done within the clan inside the stand. Now, you don't have to do a stand. You can make a tent, cave, etc.


No profane language on signs. (ban)
No inappropriate builds (stand taken down; any blocks will not be returned)
No shops (stand taken down)
Harassment of other clans on your plot will not be tolorated (ban)
And anything else that breaks the rules of Cubic Castles in general will not be allowed either.

To Promote Your Clan Using Your Plot:

- Try to make your plot stand out - to be specific, make it look appealing and etc.
- Make sure to use proper grammar
- If you would like, you can leave a warp food dispenser to your clan room (must be approved by me)

Notes -
- Any hate will be flagged
- Using hollas to promote the realm is greatly appreciated

Thanks and have a good day <3


  • Is this what I walked in previously today? :)

    And does it cost anything? If not, sure! Count me in.
  • Is this what I walked in previously today? :)

    And does it cost anything? If not, sure! Count me in.

    Yeh okay. Do you own a clan or are you a member of one?
  • Is this what I walked in previously today? :)

    And does it cost anything? If not, sure! Count me in.

    Yeh okay. Do you own a clan or are you a member of one?
    I own one with SnowyOwl604
  • bumpity bump bump bump bump bump bummmmmmmmp
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