Pumpkin Crop

How much is it now i saved some of it i thought it might be high now :P


  • I honestly have 0 clue. The prices are completely different form one store to the next,
  • LateCom said:

    its about 80c last time during halloween.
    i sold it 1k each to someone who might not wanna be named that time but now its about 75c or so.

    how xD few have this now

  • There is no set price on the crop as there are few sellers but I generally see 100-300c per pumpkin for both yet to be carved and carved pumpkins. You will be probably hard pressed though to sell the crop at a higher price though simply because the crop is not desirable. A general rule of thumb is if it is not a wearable it will have low value even if uncommon or rarer.
  • There is no set price on the crop as there are few sellers but I generally see 100-300c per pumpkin for both yet to be carved and carved pumpkins. You will be probably hard pressed though to sell the crop at a higher price though simply because the crop is not desirable. A general rule of thumb is if it is not a wearable it will have low value even if uncommon or rarer.

    collectors will probably buy it for high cause they want to put it in there collection i think?
  • Collectors for the majority focus on wearables. Very few seek complete item collections thus the demand is not there.
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