Can Someone Help Me Build A Cicada-Like Mystery?

randiwen_12randiwen_12 Member
edited June 2018 in Player Events & Creations
I'm thinking about building a series of mystery-themed rooms that leads to a prize. I was inspired by Cicada, who is a user on 4chan that posted many links, leading to a series of different sites. I want to build some rooms which takes alot of skills to complete each one. Unlike Cicada, I will NOT use the winners as recruits to a secret group. They will simply get a rare prize. I'm looking for players that can be trusted and won't scam.

NOTE: Players that volunteer to help must be online regularly. I live in Australia, so if you are in Europe, North America, Or South America, the timezones might be different. I'll try my best to select convenient times for me and the volunteers to build.


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