Exposed ..

Mrs.BunBunMrs.BunBun Member
edited April 2018 in Community
Look idc if you're in this, you don't really know me so keep believing rumors.
Yah you only had moderator friends to back you up, get some fake to back you up on too, I'm not fake. No make up on my face, real as I can be. I'm not you trying to fix people from who they really are, spread rumors about me yah but we all know you're the weak one. Keep posting depression on your discussion lmao. Sorry how old are you? Don't fix me, you're basically telling other people in my community to fix themselves that's who I am. Ignore me, don't attack me. Want more screenshots? I'll show you some lol. I'm not the only one, but you guys are annoying lol why you pciking me only? Or is there more lol.. better check their chat logs haha
Bet these moderators going to deletr this discussion and my sentences with some evidence. Fix your reputation, keep on fixing it fake. Im going to keep mines, because I don't really care about it. Call me younf, tell me to act my age but sorry what's this year? Don't ever think someones life is that easy online lmao, I have to teach you something. People have lives too, but apparently not you lol keep bothering me bc you know you got nothing better to do hah.. well bye <3 enjoy yoour fake repuation
Oh alsoo... I posted this on Youtube too soo don't worry :P

Lmao call me, tell me what you wanna say don't say it over text.. weak

Eu sou feliz, ela e mau.. kkkkkk tchau!

Chao ban.... toi nhi mwhaha

Wo jiao Jessica..

Bye lol, love Jessica


  •  gdog gdog Retired Moderator
    Closing this. If you have screens of actual bullying pm it to a game mod and they will deal with it.
    There was nothing really in those screens.
This discussion has been closed.