Rhenz Abs buying and selling (Vol.1)

edited August 2018 in Trading Section
Hey guys im selling stuffs at Rhenz Abs Simple Shop. Simply go there and buy your needs.

I sell (orders only not all the time):
Quality Soils- 10c each

Available in Rhenz Abs Simple Shop:
Cash Regsiters- 25c each
Cut-o Matik 5000- 30c each
All tools-5 to 10c each
Laser Cutter- 20c each (out of stock but will craft again)
workbenches-5c each
distillers-20c each
extractors-25c each
trash cans- 10c each
fancy cabinet(out of stock but will craft again), chest, and new wood cabinet- 5c each
Scrubs- 1c each
Corns- 1c each (out of stock)

Thats all thanks :)


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