need tips for writing!


I am currently writing a few books. However, my greatest problem is I feel everything speeds by so fast. It was this scene, then this happens, now he does that, etc. I feel like I need to slow it down just a little. Any tips to help?


  • Write down on paper all the important scenes that you really want in your paper.
    Then look at them and create forshadowing, if wanted in your story. think of ways that could forshadaw that event.
    So you will have to follow the steps it takes to the event without leaping from step to step, because now the characters have a goal.

    If you don't want forshadowing, have some important character actions or looks on there adventure to show how they act in dire situations or when they are stressed, what there interest are so when the scenes you really like are in play, people will know what characteristics the person has and how they might react to it.

    Idk if this will help
    Hope it did
    And that your book goes swell.
  • Hi,

    I am currently writing a few books. However, my greatest problem is I feel everything speeds by so fast. It was this scene, then this happens, now he does that, etc. I feel like I need to slow it down just a little. Any tips to help?

    I would suggest reading other books. They can give ideas on how to fill up the gaps between scenes. they all have a pattern. I want to write a few myself. problem is I got these great ideas, but idk how to put them all together. (like your problem) Have a look at different authors on how they use different tools.
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