Parcour.. need clarification

Im making a parcour and am planning onmaking it complete free
but can i sell tickets for checkpoints?


  • I think as long as you have no life bumper and there is a checkpoint you're good, but make sure to get feedback from a mod.
  •  gdog gdog Retired Moderator
    edited April 2018
    For starters it's not completely free if you sell checkpoint tickets.

    Paid parkours are allowed if they are able to be completed by all levels of players.
    So go ahead and do it. They are pretty frowned upon by the community and myself included but nothing to stop you doing it, i guess.

    The get a mod to check thing - Now I speak for myself here i'm not sure what other mods do. It is not our job to check the legitimacy of your parkour.
    What is to stop any parkour owner from getting a mod to check it and then as we leave changing up the course to make it not legitimate?
    Worse would be they would say "oh its been checked by a mod"
    So I have never and will never be checking parkours for people prior to reports of foul play.
    If we get reports/evidence that your parkour is not able to be completed or has malicious mechanics. eg. life blocks, fadey foam etc. Then we will issue punishment where it is needed.

  • Idk i might not then i was just thinking it is free because you can complete it for free. What i meant is someone maybe would rather just pay and skip the easy part but maybe not
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