Neko of honor city

Hi qbee welcome to my post this event will happen when "Tako Nakane" done building a hard to copy room do to he not rich he be mining
Also he looking for Jobs he plan on buying a 100x100 realm to make event happen be sure to keep an eye out for him well mining he a abit of shy type he help people secretly if he like you he will tell you to keep your cubit and he may warn you to be careful of who you add.
Neko Japanese word for cat but in anime neko are human with two animal part like qbee got cat ears and tail there onky five type neko in cubit castle

Thank for reading besure to wait for a holla by tako nakane just watch out people may try copy his name be sure it him do to he mature but also silly you see if you meow or meep near him how he react
This event dont have cover art do to @=NOH=kingshane9007 was lazy be sure to check discord on cubit castle server he have a picture like this as profile


  • Good luck finding him do to he be mining a lot in artic mine he dislike eden mines so check place with not much realm put down he sure can be a tricky one to find he said he be getting around 40 k of each block in artic mine his time zone harare +2 he be on around 12:00 pm to 9:30 pm
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