Not joking

Know anything that helps against depression


  • Know anything that helps against depression

    Tettt said:

    well... they always say that chocolate makes you happy :)

    Not true, the reason people are depressed is that their bodies are so unhealthily stimulated by junk food, too much tv and the like, that when they are done eating the food, done watching tv, they have a low, because after every high, there’s a depressing low, so to help you fight depression, the best thing you can do is ditch the chocolate, eat much healthier, severely limit your screen time, and preferably eat a lot more whole foods. Hope that helps! PS. It will :D
  • I never said that I have depression smh
  • Then what’s the point of this thread???
  • I never said that I have depression smh

    People are trying to answer YOUR question on YOUR thread. Shouldn't be such a snob about their answers. And if this thread isn't for you, maybe you should specify that in the beginning, buddy.

    If anyone gave me tips on how to deal with my own depressed self 6 months ago, I would have thanked them regardless of their answer, just for caring enough to say anything to me at all.
  • Watch fail videos, that usually helps me :P
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