The Cubit Famine: A Cubic Castles Fanfic

qBee was building a house since his first day online. He needed some Fadey Foam so he searched it in the Cubit store. It cost him almost 300 Cubits! How was he supposed to make that much? He decided to go mining for them, withering away the mines little by little, and he only got 1 Cubit. He did some offers for them, and got some cool games along the way. He only got 1 Cubit! He crafted a Tip Piggy so people could tip him, but guess what he got? ONLY ONE CUBIT! He wasn't gonna stand for it. He decided to get a job in the real world, and he made a thousand dollars! He used them to pay for Cubits, but he only got ONE CUBIT! He gave up. He wanted to buy some glass at the cubit store and it costed 100 Cubits! So he went back to the real world, went to the Cubic Castle of the Real World and contacted the gods. He begged them "Please make prices more affordable!" The gods said no. qBee was sad. He pondered, if only there was a way to make Cubits faster... The gods did not listen. All he could do was sulk at his only creation, the Swimming Pool. Wait. The only reason why he only got one Cubit after clearing all the mines was that he had others do it for him. So he decided to start a business as a flattener and flattened other's land. And he got paid some good Cubits too, so he could finally afford the Fadey Foam. So he proceeded to build his house with fadey foam and look in awe at his beautiful house he had made.


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