New command ideas

edited December 2017 in Suggestions & Comments
Alright this one is gonna be a short one, i just would like to have these following commands added to the game.

some of these r like the info bumper, but some ppl cant afford one so if u wanna see what the realm info is wthout a bumb u can use the commands

/size returns an x*y value of how big the realm/room is

/realmname returns the realms name (In case you didnt see it when you entered)

/respawn returns you to the tp warp block

/message {player name} sends a message to that player wherever they are in the game

/disablemessages disables the /message command, helpful for people like billyboo who would probably get 50k
messages per second

/enable messages reverse of /disablemessages

/ignore {player name} hides all chats from a specific player

/unignore {player name} reverse of /ignore

/clanmessage sends a message to all online clan members, while being away from clanstone

/buyclanxp {amount} buys clan xp while being away from clanstone

/hidenames hides all names in realm, good for parkours where people did a hollawarp and names are getting
in the way

/shownames reverse of /hidenames

/quiet hides the chat if you dont want to be bothered

/disabletp makes it so you look offline or when people try to tp they cant

/enabletp reverse of /disabletp

/help shows all the commands and their tasks


/cleardropped clears all of the items people have dropped/littered except if on donation table

/pickupdropped picks up all the dropped items in the realm, maybe not crops tho, that would take away the
effort farming takes

/kick {playername} kicks player from realm, not a permanent ban, more of a warning

/ban {playername} bans player from realm


  • nice +1
  • Good idea for most some i can see people scamming with
  • I don't like the /clanmessage because what's the point of clan xp?! It makes it so you can share clan stones if you trust.
  • With the dropped item cocmmands, maybe their items have to have been dropped for more than 5 minutes for that command to work on that item
  • CanItBeDoneCanItBeDone The Universe; The Milky Way Galaxy; The Solar System; Earth; North AmericaMember
    edited December 2017
    We need all the realm system features made possible with commands , +1
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