Wanna download cc forums? (iOS only)

Marlboro ManMarlboro Man Member
edited October 2017 in General Chat
Maybe a easier way to access forums! Wannna get to forums to see some intresting discussions? Well! Today’s the day where I will teach you how to Download CC forums Make sure to follow these steps!
1.Go to safari
3.Once ur there, make sure u click the download button looks like a box with Arrow pointing up
4.Once u have clicked it there are three sections
5. Go to the 3rd section and slide scrawl until u find
The button add to Homescreen

Got any questions? Ask ahead! I will try and answer them! :) Don’t understand?

Other info u may need when doing the step!
this may work for iOS 9-10 iPhone 4-IPhone X
Works for first generation iPads and all threw. Same with iMacs OS

I understand some of you may know this but Just addressing this for people who may have slow Apple devices and don’t have the time to go threw all the time consuming thing’s. Hopefully this has helped new iOS users or Os users or maybe u have learnerd something


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