So, more stories from ToCC. Taking down El.

El Presidente. A prime target for Order Of Paladins since he attemted to launch missles into the capital. But that was in the past. It was time to wage the real war now.

Our squad walked up, only to be greeted by 10 tanks, in a defensive formation around our way in. With Plat's hands tied stopping us from being bombed, It was up to Joe, Keith (Penguin Yah) and all the paladins there to stop the tanks. Joe didn't wait before he blew the first to bits, even though it put him at a complete disadvantage, he then proceeded to plant a c4 on a tank a tank. Meanwhile Keith brings in a wrecking ball, only to realise that... Y'know, he can't drive it. Either way, with Joe moving to the destroyed tank for cover, the tanks fired their rounds at the paladins, leaving many injured and some hurt, also causing keith to flee. Joe then hijacked a tank in what very littlw time he had. Shortly after, a silver paladin took the wheel of the wrecking ball, and alsmost hammered Joe into oblivion, with Joe just barely pulling himeslf out the tank in time. Essentially making his work pointless. But now, with hands available, plat makes his way down and begins to destroy the tanks one-by-one. Allowing Joe and the paladins to move onwards, with plat going back up to stop more bombs.

But now, with the little time he has, Joe only needs 2 attempts before he can crack in and stop the missles... and redirect them on El's own city! But oblivious, Joe had forgot that Butters' squad had moved in, and they too were going to be flattened. Joe told Plat to fly far away and use the clan stone to summon the entire clan out of the way of the blast. Thing is, he can't make it all the way and then put up a force field. So, 500 blocks away, they were summoned and protected by plat. Or at least until the sheild started to crack.

Seemingly doomed to be burnt alive, Joe used what little spirit he had to help plat make it through. And with that, they did survive the blast. But the war was far from over.

Scouring the ground, Joe's eagle vision picked up a bunker. The only place El could have survived in.

50 C4s Later...

With a loud bang, the metal door was gone, leaving a gaping hole down into the base. Joe jumped straight in, with plat being slightly smarter and using the ladder... because duh. When they were both at the bottom they were greeted with a maze, a the rooms began to fill with thick green nerve toxin, the stuff that kills. Thankfully, Joe and plat were wearing suits to keep the stuff away from killing them. But still, mazes, and they couldn't use Joe's eagle vision to see where to go, it was too shrouded.

(Skip forwards through a ton of maze searching)

They eventually reached a fake chest. First thing they had seen so far. And Joe, being Joe, decided 'HEY! why not blow it up!' And so he did, setting the entire maze and gas on fire with it. Because you can't just blow up everything in life. On the other hand, even with damaged armour Joe could now see the path out.

(More... Mazes... ;-;)

The office. A large, underground office. And where El will die. After he finishes his stupid rambling. He knew the day would come, and just asked why we always came after him, because he couldn't see that he was not allowed to blow stuff up belonging to others to expand. Even so, he wanted a fair fight, and pulled all 3 into a 4d object where El then had a mech because giving himeslf a mech was a fair fight. Not. On top of that only one was allowed to fight, and it ended up being Joe.

Instinctively, Joe jumped onto El's mech and blocked off both his rocket launchers, and waited. Then El took his shot at Joe by useing electric to get him off, and then jumping away from Joe and the blocks. Just making Joe's life harder. When Joe mext got a attempt he ralised that there was a sheild within the mech blocking most damage, of course, it could be beaten, with persistence, but using wit Joe attempted to short circit it with his Thunderbolt, which fires balls of electricity, readins on his superphone show that it did something, but not quite. So, using a car battery and his butterfly knife, Joe made what he calles a EMP Knife, to shut down the sheild system. He lands on the mech again and plunges the knife deep, doing what the knife is supposed to do. Then El forces Joe off AGAIN before firing a laser beam and rockets at Joe, missing due to how small Joe is compared to the mech. So, with what little time he has, Joe hammers the mech aith RYNO missles, almost breaking it. Seeing how close Joe is to killing the mech, El fires a salvo so big the screen is 5% Joe, 93% rockets, and 2% safe area. Not liking the odds, Joe fires back in retaliation, hitting a few rockets out the air. At the end of it, Joe is left with a measly 12 hp and El is forced to leave his mech, whipping out dual revolvers. Joe, fed up and not willing to give El the chance to kill him now, rushes up and slices him to bits, literally. Before Joe can think of a smart one-liner, he is pulled back to his world with plat.

Gah that hurt my fingers. It took about 1 hour to write, this is based of memory so chances are not quite correct but odds are they are just in the wrong order. I go collapse now. Peace.
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