Someone stole from me

Macalet12345 stole 600+c worth of items from me at Pens Yard Rentals. I was in the middle of typing out a sentence when my plot expired(mind you I check the time on my plot every 10-15 minutes so I knew the time was close I just thought I had a couple minutes left)(yes I'm very frugal and wait until I have 1-5 minutes left to re-rent so I can get the most bang for my buck). Any decent human being would give the stuff back, especially with the owner standing right there. I know it's most likely that no one can help me but let this at least serve as a warning that macalet isn't trustworthy.
I'm not asking anyone for c or items. I just want it known what this player did. I spoke with Pendragon already and I appreciate the words exchanged.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
Rip my items lol :,)


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