Vending Machines

I am using an iPad Pro. I have seen realms where people have vending machines selling, say, 10 cotton bushes for 1c. I can't seem to figure our how to set may machines to sell multiple items (of the same type) for one price. Can someone please explain it for me?
I would appreciate any help you can give.

That said, if I can get the machines to work, I will be building a Self-serve Shopping Mall for those who do not wish to Mine or make things themselves.



  • You want to be placing the items in separate stacks (the amount you want to sell at a time in each stack)

    Method 1:
    Drop 1 stack and glass it drop another stack ontop of the glass,
    Remove bottom glass,

    Method 2:
    Put all the stacks in a chest (make sure each stack is in a different slot) place blocks around the machine so that the only place for the stacks to leave is onto the vending machine, break the chest, glass the items,
  • Step 1) Put a Flower or Mushroom/Mushroom Patch on the Vending (any color)
    Step 2) Divide the item you want to sell into stacks, and throw the stacks onto the vending. They will not all stack together, they will stay in the individual stacks you made them into.
    Step 3) Glass the Vending and set a price.
    Warning: this ONLY works if you put a flower or mushroom on the vending, if you do not, it won't work.

    Hope this helped,
    ~Kiro ^^
  • Wow. Thanks everyone!

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