Hide Command

Whenever I mine or want to take a picture in a realm/room that does not have a hidey bumper I have to suffer with my name being in the way along with my clan tag. I think it be great if we have a / command that allowed us to hide our name and even greater if it also hid other clutter on the screen such as hearts but I am mostly just seeking hiding the name. This command would not visibly hide your name from others as a hidey bumper does, only what you see on screen. We have the ability to hide the names of those who are not our friends in the parental controls, I do not see why we cant have a feature to hide our own names.


  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    I agree, it's the worst when you're in a clan too.
  • I wish for just a disable HUD button, I hate the mobile buttons and all of the stuff on the screen. I just cant see anything lmao
  • I wish for just a disable HUD button, I hate the mobile buttons and all of the stuff on the screen. I just cant see anything lmao

    I agree with crash bandicoot
  • I will take whatever they give us because that tag is always dead center where my eyes are set. Often with fairies I lose track of them because my tag covers them up and I cant see where they went.
  • indeed. hiding our own names seems like a reasonable request. not all of us are so old as to be fergetful of our own names, greycoralking possibly excepted... [runs n hides]
  • >:O! O that is it you are going down missy next time I see you.
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